“I gave you the name of my father’s mother” Mahret said without looking up from her desk, she set the datapad down as Zavah walked into the office “she was the strongest woman I’ve ever known.” Without making eye contact Mahret picked up another datapad and continued “I assumed you would want to know that. … Continue reading Mother & Child Reunion // Zavah Shadowfall
Alternate Universe
Child of the Stolen Sons // Stavah Shadowfall
Stavah Shadowfall: Holocron 010 Begin record: The Jedi healers here on Tython feel it would be beneficial for me to record this holocron; I have reluctantly agreed. I am trying to push through my feelings as they don't serve me or the Republic, but I find it incredibly difficult given the situation. *chuckle* I can … Continue reading Child of the Stolen Sons // Stavah Shadowfall
Alpha Monster // Mahret Shadowfall
Standing around waiting was always the hardest part. She was much more comfortable in motion, this idleness frustrated her beyond words. Shifting uncomfortably in her new armor, Mahret chided herself for wearing it before breaking it in properly. It will see combat soon enough she mused as she surveyed the Sith on the dais before … Continue reading Alpha Monster // Mahret Shadowfall