Mission Number: 015 Location: A Hutt Owned Nar Bo Sholla Target: Data Cylinders Objective: Recover the Cylinders through any means necessary. Agent Assigned: Fixer 63 The Agent’s ship broke out of the planet’s atmosphere and entered hyperspace before the body was discovered. The handsome woman in her late fifties was found in a secured, … Continue reading Ministry of War – Mission Number 015
Operative Mission
The Fool’s Errand
The Fool’s Errand He liked it when she was focused and angry, he could taste her strength and ferocity, it excited him and terrified their prey. The young human male approached the table as the Alpha ate, Ne’tra hadn’t decided yet if he liked the boy, he recalled the first time they met on the … Continue reading The Fool’s Errand
Ministry of War : Mission 003 The Nar Shaddaa Op
Mission 003: The Nar Shaddaa Op The air scrubbers were never quite able to keep up with the pollutants belching from industrial sectors on Nar Shaddaa. Sixty-three winced, blinking her irritated eyes rapidly as the open air taxi sped along the garish advertisement-laden route before delivering her to a posh district on the smuggler’s moon. … Continue reading Ministry of War : Mission 003 The Nar Shaddaa Op